Default photography gear

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Is there such a thing as a basic or default photography kit? Today, we have access to amazing technology and gear to help us in our photography and the vast range of choice can be a challenge.

The market tries to tell us that we need specialist equipment for everything and that even as an amateur you must spend big money to get a shoot that is good. I thought I should share with you a setup you can use for next to everything you photograph today and most that you will photograph in the future.

The default kit is built of thee pieces.

A camera body, a short range zoom and a long range zoom.

For me personally the kit is a Nikon 7100, a Sigma 17-55 (f/2.8 EX DC HSM) and a Tamron 70-200 (f/2.8 Di VC USD). If you are instead using a full frame camera body the kit would be a 24-70 and a 70-200.

Using this kit I can do what ever I want and by using a limit on gear and force me to use these I evolve more as a photographer than I would if I must learn a new lens and a new camera body for every new task and location.

The 17-55 is a great range for traveling, bring to parties and events, shoot nature locations, taking photographs of the kids or just have as an default lens on the body. If I am going to look for animals, portraits or sports I instead can bring my 70-200. The long reach of 200mm on my crop sensor D7100 is good enough to get great shoots, to fill frames and to blow out backgrounds.

Buy a default kit if you do not already have it and spend rest of money on surrounding tools as tripod, good cloths and shoes to walk in or a new camera bag.

So, if you are thinking of getting something new for the upcoming holidays there you have my recommendations. A good basic setup that will last for a long time and do wonders both for your end result but most important for your own development as a photographer!

Published by

Martin Karlsson

I am a hobby photographer always trying to improve my technique!

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