Simulated tilt-shift using Photoshop CC

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The post with the most views on this site is and has been for quite some time how to add simulated tilt-shift using Photoshop. Since that was written quite some time ago and for Photoshop Elements I wanted to write an updated version using Photoshop CC. Also to simplify the effect even further.

To make it even more comparable I will be using the same source file for the effects.
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Simulated tilt-shift using Photoshop Elements

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Tilt-shift is a very popular technique to capture photos of great scenes and create an impression of them being miniature or to have a single place of the scene in focus while the other parts of the same photo is totally out of focus. In this tutorial I will show you how to achieve the first goal, making a photo of something big appear very small. I will use Photoshop Elements 8 but this will also work in older version as well as in CS.

Continue reading Simulated tilt-shift using Photoshop Elements